Sunday, August 28, 2016

Arriving at and Crossing the Bridge to MD

After knocking on so many doors, one finally decided to open for me. But when I opened it there was a bridge behind it. A bridge that will ultimately lead me to the Caribbean if I decide to cross it. The toll to cross this bridge is high. A hefty price tag of ~$12,000 and there is no EZ pass or express lane to help you through it. You have to find the money and motivation to make it across. The stakes were high. I had so many questions, doubts, and fears. I searched online for others who made it across safely. After chatting with a couple of students, I made up my mind. I made my deposit for the American University of Antigua Bridge to MD Program without looking back. My focus was no longer on what was behind me. Instead it was on what lay ahead of me.

If you landed on this page/blog, then most likely you, too, are considering this program or school. Well, take my hand and come along with me as I cross this bridge. Learn from my accomplishments and mistakes. 

See you later!

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