Saturday, September 10, 2016

Quiz #2 Going Down Tomorrow...And It's Proctored!

Tomorrow I will be taking my second big exam for this physiology module. I am shooting for a score of 100% on this exam. The pressure is on. Added to this pressure is that this exam will be proctored by ProctorU. In other words, someone will be watching me take this exam from the other side of the cyberworld to make sure that I am not cheating. Can you say/spell PRESSURE?!?!?! LOL I'm trying not to think much about it but it is a bit nerve wracking.

Anywho, my study plan to attain this score of 100% is to do practice questions and demonstrations.

Practice Questions
1. Read the passages and answer the questions.
2. Check my answers to see what I got right or wrong.
3. Explain how I arrived at the right answers.
4. Explain why I got the wrong answers and understand what the right answer is.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until I get everything correct.

Demonstrations (Or more like Illustrations)
1. Draw diagrams, graphs, tables, etc. of each system to be tested.
2. Explain the illustrations to my imaginary friend (or curious nieces LOL) what the illustrations are and the details behind them.
3. Come up with different analogies to make it more interesting. I hear laughter helps you retain information after all. Hahaha! LOL

Alright folks! Time to study away.

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